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Best Practices for Secure Remote OT Access

The necessity for robust security measures in remote Operational Technology (OT) access is more critical than ever. As organizations navigate the intricacies of OT systems, which manage and monitor physical equipment, they face unique vulnerabilities that require specialized attention.

This post will explore essential practices for safeguarding remote OT access, leveraging cutting-edge cybersecurity insights and methodologies to fortify systems against potential intrusions.

Understanding OT Security and Its Unique Challenges

Defining Operational Technology (OT)

Operational Technology, or OT, refers to the hardware and software systems that monitor and control physical devices, processes, and events in industrial settings.

Unlike Information Technology (IT) which focuses on data-centric computing environments, OT is tasked with managing and ensuring the proper functioning of industrial control systems (ICS), such as those in manufacturing plants, power grids, and transportation networks.

While IT is primarily about data and information flow, OT is concerned with the direct control and automation of physical operations.

Unique Challenges of Remote OT Access Security

Remote OT access enables technicians and engineers to monitor and manage industrial systems from a distance, which is crucial for efficiency and maintenance. However, this remote connectivity introduces unique security challenges.

OT environments were traditionally isolated and had limited exposure to external networks, but now they must be secured against cyber threats that have evolved alongside IT networks.

The challenges include safeguarding against unauthorized access, ensuring the integrity of automated processes, and protecting sensitive infrastructure from potential cyber-physical attacks.

Consequences of Potential Breaches in OT Systems

The consequences of security breaches in OT systems can be severe. Unlike IT breaches, which typically result in data loss or theft, OT breaches can lead to physical damage, disruption of critical services, and even endangerment of human life.

For example, a compromised water treatment facility could result in contamination of the water supply. Further consequences include operational downtime, financial losses due to halted production, and reputational damage.

Breaches can also have national security implications if critical infrastructure is targeted, underscoring the need for stringent security measures in remote OT access.

Secure Remote OT Access: Best Practices

1. Implement Zero Trust Framework

A Zero Trust framework operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify." It is a security concept that requires all users, whether inside or outside the organization's network, to be authenticated, authorized, and continuously validated for security configuration and posture before being granted or retaining access to applications and data.

This approach minimizes the attack surface by treating all users as potential threats and enforcing strict access controls and verification processes, which is particularly beneficial for securing remote OT access.

2. Update Remote Access Tools

Limitations of Traditional Remote Access Tools

Traditional remote access tools were not designed with the modern threat landscape in mind, particularly for OT environments. They often lack the advanced security features necessary to defend against sophisticated cyber threats, leaving industrial systems vulnerable to unauthorized access and control.

These tools may also fail to provide adequate visibility and control over who is accessing the system, when, and for what purpose, which is essential in preventing and detecting potential breaches.

Privileged Access Management (PAM) for OT Security

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a crucial component in securing OT systems. PAM solutions help manage and monitor privileged accounts that have elevated access to critical OT systems.

By implementing PAM, organizations can ensure that access is granted based on the principle of least privilege, where users only have the minimum level of access required to perform their job functions.

This reduces the risk of internal and external threats and provides a comprehensive audit trail for all privileged sessions.

3. Ensure Continuous Monitoring and Network Visibility

Continuous monitoring and network visibility are indispensable for securing remote OT access. Implementing tools and systems that can detect, analyze, and respond to unusual activity in real time is a key defense strategy.

This level of oversight is essential not only for threat detection but also for compliance with stringent industry regulations and standards such as ISO 27001 and IEC 62443. These standards provide a framework for information security management and the secure operation of industrial control systems respectively.

4. Develop Strong Security Policies and Procedures

Essential Security Policies for OT

Security policies are the foundation of a robust cybersecurity posture. They define how an organization protects its information and assets, including OT systems.

Essential policies for OT security should address access control, user authentication, device and software security, and response plans for potential incidents.

Clear and enforceable policies ensure that all stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining the security of OT systems.

Procedures for Managing Remote Access

Procedures for managing remote access to OT systems must be detailed and rigorously enforced. These should include steps for authenticating remote users, securing the devices used for remote access, and establishing secure channels for communication.

Procedures should also outline how to grant and revoke access, manage vendor access, and handle emergency access in case of OT maintenance or troubleshooting.

Collaboration Between IT and OT Teams

The collaboration between IT and OT teams is critical for a cohesive security strategy. Both teams bring different expertise and perspectives to the table, and their joint efforts can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the organization's security needs.

By working together, they can develop integrated security measures that protect both IT and OT environments, ensuring that security policies and procedures are aligned and effective across the entire organization.

5. Enhance User Awareness and Training

Developing Effective Training Programs

Cybersecurity training for OT personnel is vital in fortifying the first line of defense against cyber threats: the human element. Personnel who understand the potential risks and know how to recognize signs of a security breach can act swiftly to prevent or mitigate damage.

Effective training programs are tailored to the specific needs of the OT environment and the roles of the personnel within it. These programs should cover the basics of cybersecurity, the specific threats to OT systems, and the best practices for secure remote access. They must also be engaging and practical, offering hands-on scenarios that reflect real-world challenges.

Regularly Updating Training and Awareness Programs

Training and awareness programs must be updated frequently to reflect the latest risks and the most current security practices. Regular updates, coupled with continuous learning opportunities, help ensure that OT personnel remain vigilant and informed.

Future-Proof Your OT Systems with PrivX™

Consider integrating SSH PrivX hybrid PAM solution into your cybersecurity strategy to enhance the protection of your OT systems. This state-of-the-art Privileged Access Management solution offers refined access controls, including role-based access, just-in-time credentials, and multi-factor authentication, ensuring that only the right people have access to your critical systems at the right time.

Why not see PrivX in action? Schedule a demo to experience its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities. Learn how it can smoothly fit into your existing infrastructure, delivering a secure, scalable solution for access management.


1. What are the unique challenges of remote OT access security in OT networks?

Remote OT access security faces challenges like ensuring device posture, protecting against malicious software, and maintaining secure access to ICS applications and SCADA systems. Security administrators must safeguard sensitive data and OT assets from external suppliers and global support teams.

2. How does privileged remote access enhance OT cybersecurity and manage machine identities?

Privileged remote access ensures secure access by implementing granular access controls and identity access management. It helps security administrators manage machine identities and maintain trusted boundaries within industrial networks and hybrid cloud environments.

3. Why is it important to use bias-free languages in OT cybersecurity assessments and solution overviews?

Using bias-free language in OT cybersecurity assessments ensures clarity and objectivity, helping industry experts and security administrators focus on the implementation process and deployment architecture without prejudice, leading to more effective control and security measures.

4. What are the download options for VPN alternatives in securing OT user access?

VPN alternatives for securing OT user access include secure SaaS deployments and innovative access solutions. These alternatives offer better integration with native tools and multifactor authentication, enhancing the security posture of industrial networks and legacy systems.

5. How does the principle of least privilege apply to OT networks?

The principle of least privilege in OT networks involves granting users minimal access necessary for their roles. This reduces risks by limiting access to sensitive data and critical OT assets, ensuring better control and security over SCADA systems and ICS applications.

6. How do security partner integrations improve OT cybersecurity?

Security partner integrations enhance OT cybersecurity by providing comprehensive access solutions and cybersecurity software. These integrations support hybrid cloud deployment architectures, enabling effective implementation and control of security products across industrial networks.