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Annual general meeting

Shareholders' meeting

The Annual General Meeting is held within six months of the completion of the company's fiscal year, at a time decided by the Board.

The AGM decides on matters as required in the provisions of the Companies Act, such as adoption of the year-end financial statements, profit distribution and the granting of discharge from liability to the members of the Board of Directors and to the CEO. The AGM also elects the members of the Board of Directors and the auditors and decides on the fees that will be paid to them.

The notice to the General Meeting is published on the Company's website no earlier than three months and no later than three weeks prior to the General Meeting. This notice will also be published as a stock exchange release.

The right to attend a general meeting of shareholders is restricted to those shareholders who are registered on the Company’s list of shareholders kept by Euroclear Finland Oy on the record date of the Annual General Meeting and who have registered for the meeting no later than on the date mentioned in the notice of a general meeting of shareholders. Nominee-registered shareholders can be included on the Company’s list of shareholders temporarily for the purpose of attending a general meeting of shareholders. More detailed instructions for those nominee-registered shareholders who wish to attend a general meeting of shareholders can be found in the notice of a general meeting of shareholders. SSH Communications Security has one share class, and each share carries one vote at a general meeting of shareholders.

SSH Communications Security’s Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the shareholders are provided in advance with adequate information on the matters to be dealt with at a general meeting of shareholders. This information is given in the notice of the general meeting, in other bulletins and releases, and on the Company’s website.

Shareholders have the right to have a matter falling within the competence of the general meeting under the Limited Liability Companies' Act to be addressed at the general meeting. Detailed instructions and dates can be found in below under “Annual General Meeting 2025”.

The minutes of a general meeting of shareholders, including the voting results and the appendices of the minutes that are part of a decision made by the meeting, shall be posted on SSH Communications Security’s website within two weeks of the general meeting.

Annual General Meeting 2025

SSH Communications Security Corporation's Annual General Meeting 2025 will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, in Helsinki, Finland.

The meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, where the shareholders may also exercise their power of decision in full by using a telecommunications connection and a technical device during the meeting.

Instructions for participants can be found from the Section C. of the Yhtiökokouskutsu / Notice to the Meeting.

You can also find instructions for participation through webcast as a separate document “Ohjeita etäosallistumiseen” in below.

In case of any questions, please contact or Euroclear call center 020 770 6910.

Registering to the Meeting

a) Through Euroclear service


b) By mail or email

  • Mail to SSH Communications Security Oyj, Esko Anttila, Karvaamokuja 2D, 00380 Helsinki

  • Email to


Material for Annual General Meeting 2025


Annual General Meeting 2024

SSH Communications Security Corporation's Annual General Meeting 2024 was held on Monday, March 25, 2024, in Helsinki, Finland.


Material for Annual General Meeting 2024

Annual General Meeting 2023

SSH Communications Security Corporation's Annual General Meeting 2023 is planned to be held on 
Friday, March 24, 2023, in Helsinki, Finland.

Annual General Meeting 2022

SSH Communications Security Corporation's Annual General Meeting 2022 was held on
Friday, March 25, 2022 in Helsinki, Finland.

Annual General Meeting 2021

Extraordinary General Meeting June 26, 2020

Annual General Meeting 2020

Annual General Meeting 2019

Annual General Meeting 2018

Annual General Meeting 2017

Annual General Meeting 2016

Annual General Meeting 2015

Annual General Meeting 2014

Annual General Meeting 2013

Annual General Meeting 2012

Extraordinary General Meeting 2012