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May 24, 2024

Meet Valentin Ionita: A Journey from Intern to Software Engineer at SSH

Valentin Ionita, originally from Romania, has an inspiring career story at SSH Communications Security. He started in June 2022 as a QA summer trainee and has since transitioned to a full-time Software Engineer. 

His decision to join our company was influenced by his positive experience as an Erasmus student in Finland. "The Finnish community is quite strong and supportive of all foreign students," Valentin recalls. This supportive atmosphere, along with Finland's top-notch educational system, drew him to SSH.


Valentin discovered SSH by chance during an event at Aalto University. "I was extremely surprised to find out that SSH was a company," he remembers.

This discovery led him to apply for an internship. Despite applying late, our efficient and engaging interview process convinced him to accept our offer. "My interview experience instantly rose in my top of 'hiring done right'," he notes.

Here, Valentin found the perfect work environment, especially within the PrivX team.

"We have continuous integration, good pipelines, a reasonable number of releases per year, and a cycle that makes sense," he explains.

Valentin loves the balance between a fast-paced start-up feel and the structured support of a larger company.


What keeps Valentin passionate about his work?

It's the challenge and satisfaction of solving problems through code. He says: "If you have a problem, you can solve it sometimes with code, and then you should try it out." His approach to overcoming challenges is practical and collaborative. He believes in asking questions and adjusting strategies when needed.

Valentin’s career journey is a perfect example of these values in action. At SSH, we celebrate people like Valentin who contribute to our success while thriving in a friendly and forward-thinking environment.

Discover Valentin's career journey at SSH in this video:


Interested in learning more about us, our culture, and what it’s like to be part of our global cybersecurity team at SSH? Check out our careers page >>> 


Alina Preda

Alina is SSH’s Junior Communications Specialist, wielding over 7 years of experience as a journalist and content writer across various domains. In 2023, she shifted her focus from media to cybersecurity, where she continues to bring stories to life, craft compelling narratives, and bridge connections.

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